The number of naturalizations in Berlin is to be tripled

From Hildburg Bruns

More Berliners with a German passport. Red-Green-Red wants to triple the number of naturalizations!

“Thinking big is good for the city,” says SPD faction leader Raed Saleh (44), Spandau with Palestinian roots. He got his German passport at the age of 22.

The future naturalization center could also end up in Spandau. On the Siemens campus, where the company is currently reinventing itself with offices, start-ups and apartments.

Saleh and Interior Senator Iris Spranger (60, SPD) have negotiated 15 million euros in the 2022/23 budget for the finance senator. Because 200 new jobs will be necessary.

The currently 82 experts are based in the twelve districts that will soon be deprived of the naturalization task.

Even if they apply to the new center, their old positions will remain with the districts – the mayors can use them to create their own holes, e.g. B. stuff in the social welfare offices.

SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh and Interior Senator Iris Spranger in front of the immigration office, to which the naturalization center will belong

SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh and Interior Senator Iris Spranger in front of the immigration office, to which the naturalization center will belong Photo: DAVIDS

Of the 800,000 foreigners without a German passport, around 450,000 meet the requirements for naturalization. In fact, they perceive only 6000 to 8000 annually.

How to boost the number?

► Interested parties are currently waiting one to 1.5 years for the first consultation appointment. In the future, the quick check will be done online, and the computer will provide an assessment of the chances of success.

► The federal government wants to reduce the length of stay required nationwide before naturalization from eight to five years.

► In order to increase acceptance, dual citizenship should be made possible to a greater extent. So far, this only applies to EU citizens, Swiss and recognized refugees.

“Mission accomplished? We will know in October 2024 whether we will be able to triple the numbers by the end of the year,” said Engelhard Mazanke, head of the authorities.
