The non-commissioned officer of the Defense Forces Martti Puumalainen uploaded the direct words – Lyttasi megastar’s doping comment

Martti Puumalainen was shocked by Gordon Ryan’s words.

Martti Puumalainen works in the Finnish Defense Forces. Miia Sirén

Regarded as the best locksmith of all time Gordon Ryan28, fired harsh words about doping and the UFC.

Negotiations between the UFC and the US anti-doping agency USADA about the continuation fell through earlier this week. The contract between USADA and UFC is valid until the end of the year, but with these prospects, no extension is in sight.

Ryan is happy about the failure of the contract negotiations.

– This is great news if the UFC goes back to the old days. People watch professional sports almost exclusively for the entertainment value. The higher the testosterone levels, the more physical the athletes are and the less likely they are to get injured. The faster they recover as well and the more entertaining this is, Ryan said According to the MMAMania website.

One of the reasons for the complete turnaround in the negotiations between the UFC and USADA lies in the return of Conor McGregor. The Irishman has not been tested at all during 2022. He returned to the USADA testing program, but the return match in the UFC could not happen until six months at the earliest. That would only happen after McGregor has given two negative doping tests.

If McGregor’s return stops at doping tests, it would be a big blow to the UFC.

– If the UFC decides to stop doping testing, the athletes will be healthier and fight longer. “Fans are enjoying and watching more games,” Ryan said.

Finnish judoka Martti Puumalainen was taken aback by Ryan’s comments.

– To my ears, it sounds quite dangerous if you hit someone else in the head with the superhuman powers acquired by raping. Of course, without forgetting the other disadvantages of doping substances, Puumalainen wrote in the message service X.

Puumalainen won the first Finnish Judo Masters competition in August. He works as a sports non-commissioned officer of the Finnish Defense Forces.

Ryan has won several world championships in lock wrestling and Brazilian jujutsu.

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Martti Puumalainen works in the Finnish Defense Forces. IL-TV

Gordon Ryan belongs to the stars of lock wrestling. PDO
