The ‘non-aligned’, a key factor in the Junts congress

  • The leaders who do not proclaim themselves faithful to Turull or Borràs could tip the balance

  • It is not ruled out that after the conclave the new team will change to ‘consellers’ to strengthen the new stage

What if the decisive key of the congress of Together for Catalonia they didn’t even have it Laura Borras neither Jordi Turull (president of the Parliament and ‘exconseller’, respectively)? The key, according to good connoisseurs of the party, is held precisely by those who do not want to be labeled either as turulistas or as lauristas. A set of bases and leading cadres who can tip the balance. A scale that seems tipped in favor of turull but that, as internally warned, this does not mean that all the fish is sold. Not much less.

Leaders of weight such as mayors, ‘consellers’ and positions such as Joseph Rius -new spokesperson-, Elsa Artadimayor in Barcelona, Albert Batett -leader of the group in Parliament- will have a lot to say in the bobbin lace that Junts has to do with some urgency if it wants to reach the June congress with its homework done. That is, with a pact between sectors, in which each one can obtain a certain weight in the new executive.

That the decisive part of the congress be held in Catalunya Nord -except for the part dedicated to the political speech- is important because this means that the ‘ex-president’ Carles Puigdemont You can participate in person. And you will have the ability to directly influence decisions. But it is highly unlikely that Puigdemont will decide to point the finger at turull oa Borras, given that in recent months the ‘expresident’ has explicitly avoided entering the kitchen of decisions. Partly so as not to burn out and to be able to maintain his profile as an ideological leader outside of power battles.

An unstable tandem?

One of the issues to take into account is that the leader will not be chosen through primary elections, in which Borràs could have more advantages, but in a conclave with delegates who will vote for the executive direction. The proposal of jordi sanchez, general secretary until the conclave, is that a single integration list be presented. And there will be no organizational surprises because the current statutes will not be touched. Hence, what is desirable is that Borràs and Turull agree, before reaching the decisive vote, forming a tandem. It will not be easy given that the President of the Parliament, according to her environment, wants to apply for a position of responsibility. The party presidency turull is secretary general, it would be an option. But for this Puigdemont has to resign from this presidency and this is possible but it is not certain. The alternative would be to create another type of position, as long as it is clear that it is Turull -according to several leaders- who is in charge.

That Jordi Sànchez has spoken explicitly in favor of Turull in an interview in EL PERIÓDICO is an incentive for the ‘ex-conseller’ but some consider that it could harm him in the eyes of the sectors most critical of the still general secretary. In any case, Turull still keeps his letters after having stated that he would not enter into internal battles and that he would be loyal, occupying the position that is considered most useful.

The Government, waiting

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Meanwhile, the members of the Government swim and put away their clothes waiting for the medium term and the resolution of the conclave. Figures close to Sànchez such as Jaume Giró would obviously feel much more comfortable with Turull than with Borràs at the helm. Each ‘conseller’ and ‘consellera’ will use their influence. The turullistas, like Lourdes Ciuró or Violant Cervera, will bet on him. And the vast majority will defend an idea: that the management of the Government must be preserved, in a responsible manner and avoiding constant gestures. “It is not necessary to enter the fight with ERC every day“, they point out, except when necessary. This vision contrasts with that of those who in Junts would blow up all autonomous and collaborative action with CKD or with him PSC. “These are minority positions, those that defend this route”, point out sources from the Government. And they ensure that Laura Borras she is more moderate on this disruptive tactic than other prominent people.

Changes in the Executive

Although it is committed to maintaining the course of a cohesive government While waiting for the dialogue table with the Government to confirm, according to Junts, its emptiness, Puigdemont’s party also admits that the new management team that comes out of the June congress could decide to make some change in the Government. Change that served to mark the course of navigation. And so that the new or the new leader places the faithful of him. If Giró is from Sanchez, Borras either turull they could try to incorporate other figures they trust. “ERC could also do them because it has burned ‘consellers’“, JxCat sources allege.
