The ‘no’ to the independence of Catalonia maintains an 8-point advantage over the ‘yes’

The departure of Junts from the Government and the schism between the ERC and the postconvergents do not seem to have made a dent in the social support for the independence of Catalonia. The first barometer of the Center d’Estudis d’Opinió (CEO) of the Generalitat after the breakup of the Catalan Executive shows a slight recovery of the ‘yes’ to secession and a slight decline in the ‘no’, although those opposed to independence are kept at 50%.

The field work of this CEO survey It was carried out from 2,000 interviews throughout the crisis between the two parties, from September 27 to October 21. In that context, the fifty% of Catalans would vote against independence in the face of a 42% who would vote in favour. Since July, and with the split between ERC and Junts in between, the ‘yes’ vote has risen one point and the ‘no’ vote has lost two points.

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In that survey of the CEO last July, the most striking fact was that support for the independence of Catalonia reached the lowest level of the entire ‘procés’, the 40.9%. Since the first massive Diada, in 2012, the ‘yes’ has fallen 16 points and the ‘no’ was 11 points higher in July. Now that difference has been reduced to 8 points.

Asked about the way to resolve the political conflict, 58% of Catalans are committed to the way of dialogue and only 11% defend the one-sidedness. In the first percentage, that of those interviewed who prefer negotiation with the State, independentists and non-independentists coexist in practically equal parts.
