The new omicron symptom: heartburn

this new coronavirus variant He leaves no puppet head. In addition to the well-known symptoms such as fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, conjunctivitis, pain in the legs, now the heartburn. Much of the new infected by this strain in this sixth wave of the coronavirus pandemic present this symptom that could be identified as one of the first signs of contagion by Omicron.

At the time, with delta variantThey reported the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms in people who have had them, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. And, although in this new variant these symptoms have been reported to a lesser extent, this symptomatology also sets off alarms.

Symptoms of heartburn due to covid

  • Burning sensation in the throat

  • Burning sensation in the chest

  • Chest pain, especially when bending forward, lying down or eating.

  • Like a hot, bitter, sour, or salty liquid in the back of the throat.

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How long can it last?

It usually disappears within two days of the onset of symptoms.


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