The new locker room rule is surprising in Canada

The new policy of the Canadian Hockey Association prohibits being naked in the locker room. The policy applies to people under the age of 18.

In the future, Canadian junior hockey players will not be allowed in the locker room without underwear. Illustration image. PDO

In Canada, the new hockey season has brought new policies. Many players and their parents have had to adapt to the new policy set by the Canadian Hockey Association.

This season, all junior ice hockey players must wear underwear in the locker room and it must be on when entering the locker room. Underwear may only be changed in a closed restroom. The rule applies to juniors under the age of 18. Reported about it CBC.

The new policy aims to promote and respect the privacy of everyone participating in the team. It is now the responsibility of coaches and team staff to instruct players on the new dress code and ensure that they follow it.

– Everyone has the right to use the locker room, regardless of gender identity, religious beliefs or body image concerns, says a spokesperson for the Canadian Hockey Association Esther Madiyza.

– It really doesn’t take very long to go to the bathroom to change clothes, said the chairman of the Halifax Hawks junior team Craig Robinson.

Robinson emphasizes that it’s not just about gender, it’s about everyone being able to enjoy themselves.

– The coaches can’t always recognize and automatically know what gender someone is identified as, so this just gives everyone a chance to fit into the locker room, Robinson continues.

The matter arouses discussion

The new practice has aroused widespread discussion among the players’ parents as well as on social media.

Among other things, Robinson admits to the CBC that parents have opposed the new policy. He says they have legitimate hygiene concerns when sweaty, smelly underwear is worn in and out of the rink.

However, in Robinson’s opinion, it is a small price to pay for hockey being open to everyone.

The matter also sparked discussion on the messaging service X (formerly Twitter).

– This is completely crazy. Children are now not allowed to get dressed in the locker room or take a shower because the coaches don’t know what gender someone is identified as, one user wonders.

– I’m worried about tournament weekends when we play 2-3 games a day and the underwear is wet and smells bad, one commented.
