The new life of Cristina Kirchner after the attack

One day after he was shot to the head with a Bersa pistol, Cristina Kirchner decided to run away. Still shocked by the miraculous way she had saved her life, she packed a bag with the essentials and left her apartment on Juncal and Uruguay.

Where was he confined? The data was unknown until now: he traveled to the field he has in Mercedes, 100 kilometers from the Capital, the Minister of the Interior Eduardo “Wado” DePedrohis favorite within the Casa Rosada and La Cámpora. Cristina Kirchner He spent the entire weekend in that shelter surrounded by green, which he has already visited on previous occasions. He tried to calm down, but couldn’t.

What had happened to him was to pay attention to him and downshift a few gears. She did not realize the situation at the time and only found out when they told her minutes later, when he was already inside his apartment and saw the videos. According to witnesses, she was amazed, but not shocked.

when the judge Maria Eugenia Capuchetti and the prosecutor Carlos Rivolo They went to take a statement, they also offered a service of victim assistance that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has, but Christina refused. The statement was on Friday the 2nd, a while before he left for Mercedes.

Before traveling, true to his style, he did not make any statements but he did give a strong signal of how his life would continue: not to show fear and keep Diego Carbone -questioned for his absence at the crucial moment of the attack- at the head of his custody.

The changes

Of course, after such a commotion, the security of the vice president increased noticeably. Now your secretary Diego Bermúdez no longer participates in the cordon that protects her, as happened the day of the failed attack, when she was next to CFK “collaborating” with the custody. Her role is that of secretary and she is not responsible for the safety of her boss.

Now, at the corner of Juncal and Uruguay you can no longer walk down the sidewalk seconds before Cristina Kirchner leaves her apartment. There are custodians, federal police, from the City of Buenos Aires and transit agents so that the operation is as fast and orderly as possible. When she leaves, a motorcycle with an agent follows her from behind and blocks anyone who wants to get close.

Another of the most important changes in terms of security is that now CFK will have a car available Armored Ford Mondeo that the AFI ceded to the Presidency, and that owes 348 thousand pesos of fines (see box). Alberto Fernández himself insisted that the vice president start using that vehicle. The other armored vehicle that the Government had at its disposal is the one that had collided, in the accident that cost him his life, the Minister of Transport Mario Meoni.

The mistakes

What went wrong in the attack and cannot be repeated with the rethinking of its security device? A former custodian who requests confidentiality of his name and spoke for this note lists:

1) The prior intelligence that the vice president’s security did not do outside her apartment should have detected the attacker long before he approached CFK.

2) If that first security barrier failed, the custodians escorting the vice at that time they should have intercepted the aggressor beforee that he came to trigger the weapon that miraculously did not fire.

3) After the attack (in the images you can see how Cristina, without realizing what happened, kept signing autographs), her custodians they should have evacuated her immediately from the place and not take her to her apartment, but to another contingency address where she would be less exposed, if it had been a well-planned and larger-scale attack.


But all failed. and the absence of Diego Carbone, the historic head of custody, Franco at the key moment, added more questions. The chief commissioner of the Federal Police has been in charge of Cristina’s security since her days as a senator and manages a team of more than 100 menwhich will increase its number after the Recoleta crisis.

The sources consulted do not want to give too many details about the team that is being assembled to prevent a future attacker from taking note of it by the media. What NEWS could know is that, in principle, they were already relieved five agents and replaced by others.

The selection of custodians from now on will no longer be borne by Carbonebut from the Ministry of Security. Due to his position as commissioner, Carbone should no longer have to put the body but direct the operation from above. He continues to be Cristina’s shadow because of the blind trust she has in him.

The night of the attack, Cristina received a visit from her children Máximo and Florencia. They were both very worried, and her mother too for them, but they decided that the only one who would reinforce security would be the vice president and not her family.

Maximo Kirchnerwho lives in the apartment of “Wado” De Pedro’s cousin, Gerónimo Ustarroz, on San José street in the Monserrat neighborhood, did not increase his custody. The same Florence Kirchner, which is seven blocks from there, in Constitución. NOTICIAS visited both buildings after the incidents and nothing had disturbed the tranquility of the buildings.

In the Senate, the area surrounding the Presidency is packed with security. Although before it was difficult for accredited journalists to circulate through the corridors of the Upper House without authorization, now it is directly impossible. The custody had already been increased during the days of the plea of ​​the prosecutor Diego Luciani in the trial of the Cause Vialidad.

And on the hottest days when there were demonstrations in front of Congress and it was decided to increase the number of agents protecting that area of ​​the Senate. With the attack, control over security employees became stricter. For example: they are no longer allowed to use the cell phone during working hours.

The most recurrent visits that Cristina received were those of “Wado” De Pedro and also that of the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillowho were close to her all the time and accompanied her at home and in Congress.

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