the new episodes |iO Donna

Lin Sonrisa reopens its doors and on real-time he arrives The castle of ceremonies 2023. New episodes that tell the luxurious and extravagant receptions in the Campania estate, broadcast every Friday – starting tonight at 10.40pm with the first episode –. The format has come to fruition seventh season, consisting of 15 episodesavailable in preview from time to time on discovery+.

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The castle of ceremonies 2023the new episodes

The protagonists of the first episode are Noemi and Dennis. Engaged for some time, they are already parents and turn to Grand Hotel La Sonrisa to celebrate their wedding. They want the big day to be unforgettable, therefore they ask for the intervention of Donna Imma so that they have their perfect reception, in true Neapolitan style.

In addition to the sumptuous entrance and the important menu, their event is characterized by the presence of several guest stars. There are five of them leading artists of the neo-melodic scene. Among the names announced, Anthony, Enzo Barone and Kekko Dany.

Baptisms, first communions, confirmations, but above all weddings. These are the main events that, season after season, have won over the Real Time audience and beyond. The lavish, sumptuous, excessive and even kitsch parties of Grand Hotel La Sonrisa they have become a symbol of the format.

“The castle of ceremonies 2023”, Donna Imma Polese and her husband Matteo Giordano at the wedding of their son Pasqualino. (Warner Bros. Discovery)

Donna Imma Polese, the real star

However the location – located in Sant’Antonio Abate, in the province of Naples – contributes only half of the success. The strengths are different, but it certainly stands out among all the figure of Donna Imma. Worthy heir to her father, Don Antonio, face of the original format The Boss of ceremonieshas won over customers and viewers with his direct and simple way of doing things, always characterized by a smile.

She’s the real star. On the day of the event you meet the birthday boy or girls after an announcement with great pomp: «The queen, Donna Imma, is with us». After the ritual applause, he proceeds to make a short speech. Usually, if it’s a wedding she says: «Dear newlyweds, from the bottom of my heart I wish you one hundred years of happiness, always lived in good health and as your heart desires. Congratulations!”.

She is assisted in the management of this modern castle by her husband Matteo Giordanowho keeps the accounts in order and welcomes customers. Listen to everyone’s needs and explain the proposals. Once everything has been agreed, we proceed with the meticulous preparations: everything must be perfect. Not only because the good name of the place is at stake, but above all to allow customers to experience a fairytale day. And at the end a big party is going on. A menu full of courses, Neapolitan music and the inevitable fireworks.

“The castle of ceremonies”, Donna Imma and Matteo Giordano.

The castle of ceremonies 2023the wedding of Pasqualino Giordano

The castle of ceremonies 2023 presents great news. In addition to taking care of other people’s receptions, Donna Imma and Matteo Giordano are busy with a family business. The firstborn Pasquale known as Pasqualino is about to become a father. His partner Anna Somma is pregnant with their first child.

So future grandparents are called into question with a double role. On the one hand, they prepare for the joy of the arrival of their first grandchild. On the other, they have to get to work to organize a lavish wedding. After all, it is the first marriage in the family, the first of the new generation.

The season was recorded a few months ago, when Somma was pregnant. The wedding was celebrated last spring and The Sonrisa welcomed 250 guests. The child, however, was born at the end of July and is called Matteo, like his paternal grandfather. A joy for grandmother Imma, who announced the great event on Instagram: «Welcome to the Matteo family», she wrote, «what a strong emotion to have you here and to hold you in my arms».

