The new Alejandro Granados, Albertista and without a mustache

He lost his mustache but not his skills. Alexander Granados is the historic mayor of Ezeiza, province of Buenos Aireswho, due to his strong-arm speech and bushy mustache, earned him the nickname of the Sheriff. Last year he celebrated seven decades of life and from that moment he decided to face a body renovation that made him lose weight, and also added a more drastic change: he shaved off his mustache.

The moment of greatest public exposure of Pomegranates in recent years was when he became Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires during the government of Daniel Scioli. The position was created in 2013 when the Ministry of Justice and Security in two. Pomegranates He has experience in opening charges. In 1995, when the municipality of Esteban Echeverría and Ezeiza was created, the debuting mayor was him, who at that time was 43 years old. From then until today, he never left office.

But today Granados has another task: he works for the campaign Albert 2023. On December 10 last he received in his stay “La Celia” to Fernandez after inaugurating social housing in Ezeiza. The President dined with the whole family Granados and there the “Sheriff” He made himself available to put together the electoral device in the Greater Buenos Aires, a key district in each election and at the same time elusive for Fernández.

Mission. In this urban conglomerate, the President has an opportunity in the face of the differences that also exist within Kirchnerism itself. Last year, the vice president forced the governor Axel Kicillo to change to your chief of staff and put Martín Insaurraldeon behalf of the mayors, who until then had almost no place in the provincial government.

Granados has an excellent relationship with Insaurralde, who dreams of being governor. Could there be a possible alliance here? If you think of a 2023 with PASO within the Front of All, Alberto Fernández could lead Insaurralde as a candidate in the province. To these actors must be added Mario Ishii, who accompanied the President to China, and the ministers “Juanchi” Zabaleta and Gabriel Katopodis. Added to this group is the figure of Juan Pablo Biondi, the former presidential spokesman, who continues to work every day for the president in his relationship with the media and advising the ministers closest to Fernández, despite the public veto of Christina. What will CFK say about this? Is it true that Biondi rented an office a few blocks from the Pink House? Radio corridors.

The most optimistic of the albertismo maintain that the ancestry of Cristina Kirchner in the Conurbano It is no longer the same as it was two or three elections ago, that little by little it is losing voters and that was demonstrated in the last election in which it was necessary to resort to the mayors to mobilize the vote. Until very recently, the mayors argued that to win in their districts, they had to go on a ballot with Cristina, but today that paradigm is under discussion.

Granados is a connoisseur of the Greater Buenos Aires and understands, above all, one of the problems that most afflicts the residents of popular neighborhoods: insecurity. When he was minister of the province of Buenos Aires, the head of the Buenos Aires Police was Hugo Matzkin, who at the beginning of this year returned to activity as secretary of Security of the municipality of Ezeiza. He had already been working in that municipality, but now he returned. Granados always has his friends well located.

Future. What will you do in 2023? A couple of years ago there has been talk that he will leave the position of mayor in the hands of his son Gastón, who today officiates as interim mayor, but his wife Dulce Granados is also in that competition, who today is president of the Deliberative Council and, for therefore first in the line of succession.

This municipal dispute has been going on for many years. Even Cristina Kirchner in a speech in November 2011 he delved into that internal family. “Néstor loved Ezeiza very much, he loved Alejandro and Dulce very much. He said that Dulce had to be the mayor, but it seems that Alejandro still does not leave her, but for the next one she is Dulce, yes or yes, because now I am here and I am going to bank her, “she said.

If Granados decides to present himself in 2023 and is re-elected, it will be his last term as mayor. There are those who risk that he will compete only to have the satisfaction of imposing himself once again. And help his friend, the President.

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