The Netherlands supports Suriname in tackling flooding | news item

News item | 17-06-2022 | 16:40

The Netherlands supports Suriname in tackling flooding. Minister Schreinemacher (Development Cooperation) announced on Friday that he would make financial support available for this and deploy experts from the Dutch water sector. The contribution of 200,000 euros is intended for food, clean drinking water and education. By deploying water experts, the Netherlands helps Suriname to map out urgent water problems and possible solutions.

The money is intended to support the efforts of the UN organization UNICEF in Suriname. The flooding currently affects 7,000 Surinamese. UNICEF provides emergency aid to those affected, partly with Dutch contributions. The organization provides food, clean drinking water, school supplies and medical care. The organization also provides specific personal hygiene supplies for women and girls. In this way, the Netherlands responds to the requests of the Surinamese government for international assistance.

Dutch Risk Reduction Team

In addition, expertise will be deployed on site via the Dutch Risk Reduction Team (DRR–Team) as soon as possible. A DRR Team consists of experts from the Dutch water sector and makes recommendations for short and long-term solutions in response to urgent water problems.
