The Netherlands supplies parts and equipment to Ukraine for energy infrastructure repair | News item

News item | 08-12-2022 | 19:47

The Netherlands will support Ukraine this winter with materials to repair important energy infrastructure. This concerns a shipment of, among other things, transformers, switching components and cables that are needed to help restore the electricity grid. This Dutch contribution is part of the 180 million euros that the cabinet has set aside to help Ukraine get through the winter, of which 18 million euros is for the repair of vital infrastructure. The damage to the electricity grid and other important infrastructure has recently been further increased by Russian bombing. As a result, part of the Ukrainian population regularly no longer has access to electricity, heat and/or water.

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Material for repairs

Russia has carried out numerous attacks on Ukraine’s energy network since October. Despite all the efforts of the Ukrainians, it is becoming increasingly difficult to carry out repairs, partly due to a shortage of materials. Several discussions have recently taken place with Ukraine and the European Commission to determine which parts and equipment are most needed. The contribution of about 6 million euros in materials can be used for repairs to the electricity grid. The details of this shipment, such as the final destination, are not public for security reasons.

The Netherlands works together with the European Commission for the logistics organization. The transport to Ukraine is reimbursed by the EU humanitarian aid organisation. An international relief effort has been launched to provide Ukraine with equipment so that repairs to the energy infrastructure can proceed as smoothly as possible.

Minister Rob Jetten: ‘As winter sets in, the consequences of the severely damaged energy infrastructure are all the greater for the Ukrainian population. We want to continue to help Ukraine with these emergency deliveries, so that the much-needed repairs can continue as well as possible.’

Minister Liesje Schreinemacher: ‘Because of the Russian bombing, the Ukrainians are now facing an extra tough winter. Many are without heat and electricity. By supplying transformers, cables and other items, we help to alleviate that suffering. We have been with Ukraine since the beginning of the war. We will continue to do that.’
