The Netherlands strengthens cooperation on hydrogen with the United Arab Emirates and Oman | news item

News item | 24-03-2022 | 16:35

The Netherlands will cooperate more closely with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman in the field of clean hydrogen. Minister Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) and Minister Al Mazrouei (Energy) of the Emirates signed an agreement on this in Dubai on Tuesday. The collaboration focuses on, among other things, setting up transport routes for hydrogen to the Netherlands as a gateway to Europe and developing technologies and standards. On Wednesday, Minister Schreinemacher discussed similar agreements for cooperation in Oman.

Trading opportunities for the Netherlands

The switch to more sustainable energy provides many opportunities for Dutch businesses. Minister Schreinemacher: “In the UAE and Oman, there is a need for things that distinguish our entrepreneurs. We are innovative and we deliver quality. As Minister for Foreign Trade, I notice in all conversations how much demand there is for this.”

The economic relationship of the Netherlands with the UAE and Oman focuses on the sustainable use of water, energy and food. Schreinemacher: “The steps in the field of hydrogen are important for our cooperation with both countries. We will look at how we can set up transport routes to the Netherlands for clean hydrogen. And we talk about possible investments in infrastructure in the Netherlands, for example in the port of Rotterdam. This is necessary to achieve our climate goals and it also creates opportunities for Dutch companies.”

The UAE and Oman both have the ambition to generate more renewable energy. In recent years, both countries have invested a lot in the local hydrogen sector. For the Netherlands, the agreements are a step towards a low-carbon economy. “In the long term we have to get rid of oil and gas. But the war in Ukraine shows how important security of supply is in the short term.” That is why Schreinemacher also raised additional oil and gas supplies during the talks on sustainable energy: “These discussions went well, the first step has now been taken. We will continue discussions in the coming period.”

Visit to the Gulf region

Minister Schreinemacher visited the UAE and Oman on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In the UAE, she visited EXPO 2020 Dubai, the first world exhibition in the Middle East, which will close on March 31, 2022. Minister Harbers of Infrastructure and Water Management simultaneously led a trade mission to the UAE and the EXPO. Fifty companies from the Netherlands took part.

In Oman, Schreinemacher met Dutch companies that are active there, for example in the field of climate adaptation. The minister also visited the port of Sohar. The port is a joint venture of the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the government of Oman.
