The Netherlands sends relief supplies to flooded areas Ukraine | News item

News item | 08-06-2023 | 20:04

The Netherlands is sending aid and rescue equipment to the area in Ukraine affected by the destruction of the Kachovka dam. For the time being, this concerns about 20 boats, more than 15 water pumps, more than 180 life jackets and more than 50 waders that are made available by the Dutch water boards. In addition, the National Rescue Brigade supplies at least 12 lifeboats (vletten). The goods will go to Ukraine as soon as possible. The ministries and parties involved are still working on the transport of these goods.

Minister Liesje Schreinemacher for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS) announced this on Thursday. An initial estimate is that a minimum of 500,000 euros is needed to fund the aid.

Minister Schreinemacher: “We are doing everything we can to help Ukraine with this as well. It’s terrible what happened. I am grateful to the water boards and the National Rescue Brigade for helping out. In the coming days we will see what else we can do for the affected area.”
