The Netherlands now has nine wolf packs with at least 39 cubs. Two groups live in Drenthe and the Drenthe-Frisian region

There are currently nine wolf packs living in the Netherlands, which together have produced at least 39 cubs this spring.

Seven packs live in and around the Veluwe, the other two groups live in Drenthe and the Drenthe-Frisian region. It is impossible to say how many wolves there are in total in the Netherlands, because the DNA of each wolf cannot be determined due to a lack of traces. This is what BIJ12, the agency that handles wolf cases for the provinces, says. In any case, there are dozens of wolves in the Netherlands.

In the period between May and August of this year, 65 reports of wolf damage to livestock were made to BIJ12. The vast majority of reports came from Drenthe. In 41 cases it was determined that a wolf had indeed struck. Twelve times it turned out to be a dog attack.
