‘The Netherlands is lagging behind in our energy supply’ | The matter

“As usual, the Netherlands board is again lagging behind.” The opinion of Peter851 is shared by many commenters. He continues: “49 years ago we were confronted with the facts of dependence on a foreign energy supplier. It was the oil sheiks who turned off the oil tap at the time in response to an unwelcome opinion of the Netherlands about Israel. What has the Dutch government done in those 49(!) years? Nothing!” The responders are of one mind, because among other things Marlou joins Peter. “Of course the energy supply (as the sensible citizen has been calling for years) is not in order.” Marlou is clear. “Politics faltered, catching each other, at the adolescent level.”

The reaction that gets the most ‘respect’ comes from Keubke. †Never throw away your old shoes until you have new ones. Billions are wasted on peddling, based on models that have never been right. It is about power and financial gain and we citizens are not only allowed to pay a lot, but soon we will have to deal with more and more inconveniences, which were unimaginable a few years ago.”


“As usual, politicians have had blinders on for years”, also Gertaafjevanderwiel don’t beat around the bush. “Now that the need is great, we are too late. Our Groningen gas has been sold abroad for a piece of cake. While we were allowed to pay the full pound ourselves. And not to mention the insult of the Groningers. To rule is to look into the future. But we have been farming backwards for years. Experts have not been listened to. Only the climate was important. And that doesn’t take us any further now.” Also Cornelia B believes that the Netherlands does not have its affairs in order. “This was not before the war in Ukraine broke out.” Cornelia urges action. “Action must be taken, start building nuclear power plants and don’t bury your head in the sand.”

And also Marinka2019 is of the opinion that the Netherlands does not have its affairs in order: “Just like almost everything, after 3 cabinets Rutte, the energy supply is of course not in order. It is outrageous that in a supposedly rich country working people cannot heat their homes because it is not affordable.”

“Europe for hundreds of years”

Responder Maria_K worries about other things though. “Doesn’t seem healthy to me, everything electrical is completely in the radiation, g5 there, I don’t know, will that be okay?” And Dirkje12345 is also concerned about the ever-growing use of electronic devices due to the lack of gas. “Can you already see that, everyone on the energy-guzzling heat pumps and electric cars, everything electric and then there is no wind and wind turbines do not supply any energy. In other words, the electricity grid will collapse and everyone will be without power.”

The Iceman isn’t too concerned about that lack of Russian gas, though. “The Wadden Sea alone already contains so much gas that the whole of Europe can supply for hundreds of years. In the meantime, alternatives can always be looked for.”
