The Netherlands is allocating an additional 10 million euros for humanitarian aid to Gaza | News item

News item | 17-10-2023 | 13:21

The Netherlands is making an additional 10 million euros available for humanitarian aid to Gaza. The money is intended for food, water and medical care for the population. Minister Schreinemacher for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation announced this on Tuesday. The Netherlands is thus responding to the urgent call from the United Nations for additional international assistance. The Dutch contribution is intended for UN organizations, a group of international and national NGOs, and the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Minister Schreinemacher: “It is very important that humanitarian aid reaches Gaza quickly. Nearly 1.3 million people are in urgent need of water, medicine and food.”

The government is concerned about the growing needs in Gaza. The government emphasizes that humanitarian law must be respected. Civilians and humanitarian workers should never be the target of violence. There must also be unhindered access for humanitarian workers and aid supplies. The government always conveys this message in contacts with Israel, the Palestinian Authorities, Egypt and partners in the region.

The UN needs $294 million to respond to the urgent needs of the people in Gaza and the region. The Dutch contribution is in addition to the 51 million euros that the Netherlands has allocated this year for development cooperation and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.
