The Netherlands increases support for Ukraine, while Orbán organizes a public consultation on sanctions against Russia | Abroad

Hungary will organize a people’s poll on European sanctions against Russia in connection with the war in Ukraine. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said this in parliament on Monday. The Dutch government will intensify its support for Ukraine, Prime Minister Mark Rutte writes on Twitter. “More weapons, more sanctions, more isolation from Russia.” In the meantime, the European Commission is preparing an eighth sanctions package.

Read all about the conflict in Ukraine in our file.

Protecting Europe is crucial for our security,” said the Dutch prime minister. Last week he told the United Nations that Putin “and his war of aggression must be stopped”.

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky writes on Twitter that he had a “productive” conversation with Rutte. According to him, the Netherlands and Ukraine are “unanimous” that additional sanctions against Russia are needed after holding the mock referendums.

The Prime Minister did not announce exactly what the Dutch government will allocate for weapons or other resources. The Dutch government only shares information about this sparingly, so as not to make Russia any wiser than necessary.

“National consultations” with no legal value

“The sanctions have not been democratically decided, but Brussels bureaucrats and the European elite have decided on them,” said Orbán. “Although European citizens are paying the price, they have not been asked to do anything.”

The Hungarian prime minister has been ranting for months against sanctions imposed by the European Union against Russia. However, Hungary still approved the sanctions packages within the European Council of Ministers — which must decide unanimously. The Hungarian government negotiated an exception for an oil embargo that takes effect in December.

In order to have his policy confirmed, Orbán regularly resorts to so-called “national consultations”, such as when restricting the right to asylum. In addition, citizens are sent a list of leading questions that make the government’s position appear to be the right one. However, the polls have no legal value.

Orbán said last week that the EU should lift its sanctions against Russia before the end of the year. They hurt the European economy more than the Russian economy, he said.

New sanctions due to mobilization of the Russian population

But the EU is now moving in the other direction: in response to the announced Russian mobilization, the new threat of the use of nuclear weapons and the organization of attachment referendums in Ukraine, an eighth sanction package is being prepared.

The new measures could include a ban on the import of certain Russian civil technology, but possibly also that of Russian diamonds. It was not yet clear on Monday when the Commission will propose the new package. At first, it was Wednesday, but according to a European diplomat, that timing may be difficult to achieve.

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