The Netherlands contributes €3 million to anti-terrorism academy in Ivory Coast | News item

News item | 09-01-2024 | 14:19

The Netherlands is increasing its contribution to the international anti-terrorism academy in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) by €3 million for the next 3 years. The Netherlands thus supports the fight against terrorism in West Africa. Minister of Defense Kajsa Ollongren announced this during a visit to the country.

Ollongren travels to Senegal after Ivory Coast. The visit to these West African coastal countries is aimed at strengthening defense cooperation. “In a region that is struggling with increasing instability, cooperation with these countries is of great importance in the fight against terrorism,” the minister said. Ollongren makes agreements to intensify cooperation between the armed forces.

Importance of perspective

Ollongren also underlines the importance of combating the root causes of jihadist terrorism. “Prevention starts with offering prospects for youth, including investing in education and employment. Only in this way can jihadism be prevented at an early stage.”
