The Netherlands’ commitment to nuclear weapons: the Non-Proliferation Treaty | News item

News item | 01-08-2022 | 16:22

Since Russia’s threats with nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons), international agreements on such weapons have become even more important. In August 2022, 191 countries will meet at the Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference to ratify the agreements on nuclear weapons. We explain what will happen – and what the role of the Netherlands is.

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Nuclear weapon

Image: ©Steve Jurvetson

Titan II missile

What does non-proliferation mean?

The definition of non-proliferation is the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. So it is about preventing nuclear weapons from being distributed to countries that do not currently have them. Ultimately, it is also about disarmament. That is important for the safety of every person in the world.

What is the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)?

The Non-Proliferation Treaty is the only international treaty with legally binding agreements prohibiting the production of nuclear weapons for countries that do not have them, the prohibition of their proliferation, the transition to nuclear disarmament, and access to nuclear energy and technology for the countries that do not possess nuclear weapons. The treaty has been signed by 191 countries, including the Netherlands. Only India, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea and South Sudan are not parties to the treaty.

The Non-Proliferation Treaty consists of 3 parts:

  1. Disarmament (fewer nuclear weapons worldwide).
  2. Non-proliferation (countering the spread of nuclear weapons).
  3. The right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

What does the Non-Proliferation Treaty say?

The 1970 treaty sets out obligations for the 5 recognized nuclear-weapon states: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China. It is important that they keep to their obligations. There are also obligations for the non-nuclear weapon states.

Thanks to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, there are fewer than 10 nuclear weapons owners worldwide. This makes the treaty an indispensable building block of the international order. The treaty also makes it possible to use nuclear energy and technology on a large scale for peaceful purposes.

10th Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference

Member States of the Non-Proliferation Treaty meet every 5 years. At the review conference at the headquarters of the United Nations (UN), countries discuss new and existing agreements and discuss whether everyone is adhering to the agreements. The 10th review conference was scheduled for 2020, but has been moved to 2022 due to corona, from August 1 to 26. And that is high time.

The reduction of nuclear weapons is under pressure. And with it the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Critics, for example, believe that global disarmament is progressing too slowly. The Russian aggression is also currently having major consequences for global security. It is precisely because of these tensions that the Netherlands considers it important that the Non-Proliferation Treaty remains intact. President Putin’s threats about the possible use of nuclear weapons and the violation of international agreements in the field of nuclear safety and security (such as nuclear power plants) received a lot of attention at the conference. Russia will also be there.

Non-proliferation: what does the Netherlands think?

The government believes that concrete agreements must be made. For example to prevent misunderstandings, miscommunication or accidents. Nor should the use of nuclear weapons remain the global norm. In doing so, the Netherlands focuses on various themes that should bring disarmament closer. Think of transparency, the ban on the production of fissile material (FMCT), the nuclear test ban (nuclear-ban treaty), risk reduction, strengthening the treaty review mechanism, the development and improvement of nuclear safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and attention to new technologies.

Netherlands Vice-Chairman of the Review Conference

This year, the Netherlands is the vice-chairman of the review conference, together with Poland and Malaysia and under the overall chairmanship of Argentina. Each country chairs a committee, focused on 1 of the 3 parts of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The committee chaired by the Netherlands focuses on the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy and technology.

There are unique opportunities for the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technology. But of course good agreements are needed about safety and security. Nuclear sciences and techniques can provide solutions to the greatest challenges of our time. Think of the fight against cancer, zoonosis, pests and other disease carriers, sustainable agriculture and climate adaptation.

At the conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Netherlands is committed to a clear strategy for the future. The evaluation of the last 5 years is important, but a results-oriented action plan for the next 5 years is even more important. To work for a safer world.
