The Netherlands closer to the Olympic Games after 4-0 victory over Belgium

After an insane final phase, the Dutch football players have still secured the crucial group win in the Nations League. This was necessary to have a chance at next year’s Olympic Games. Thanks to two late goals from midfielder Damaris Egurrola against Belgium (4-0), the Dutch team remains one goal ahead of England in the group.

The Dutch team and England both started their last group match with nine points, but England had to make up for an even worse goal difference (plus 4 to plus 1). With eight points, Belgium also had a chance to become group winner, which was necessary to qualify for the Nations League Finals. The last two Olympic tickets for European countries will be ready there at the end of February.

The Dutch team had to complete the task without 108-time international Jackie Groenen, who had not yet recovered from the injury she sustained on Friday at Wembley (3-2 defeat). Her replacement Egurrola was the basis of the first dangerous moment for the Dutch team with a long shot.

England took an early lead, which increased the pressure for a goal from the Dutch team. That came in the 34th minute via Lineth Beerensteyn, who also scored twice against England on Friday. After poor defense from Belgium, the hundred-time international finished calmly on the instructions of Victoria Pelova.

The Dutch team were virtual group winners again, but that changed before half time when England took a 4-0 lead. As a result, the audience in Tilburg did not clap at halftime, a doomsday scenario unfolded.

Beerensteyn made it 2-0 from the rebound of a shot by Esmee Brugts ten minutes after half-time. Because England also scored again, an extra goal was still needed. Jonker brought in several attackers, including all-time top scorer Vivianne Miedema.

Despite several chances, the Dutch team seemed unable to succeed, until Egurrola’s striking header in the first minute of injury time. But another goal from England (0-6) left the Dutch team needing another goal. It came in the final seconds, via Lyon midfielder Egurrola again.

The Dutch will compete with Germany and Spain in February for two Olympic tickets in the last four of the Nations League. France is also participating, but that team has already qualified for the Games as host country. (AP)

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