The Netherlands braces itself; Tuesday locally possible 40 degrees | Inland

The bringer of the hot weather is a high-pressure area that moves to Germany via the Netherlands. A low pressure area, which has recently been located west of Portugal, is moving north. Between these two systems, a southerly to south-east wind rises over western Europe and sets the hot air over southern Europe in motion. The heat flows north through France.

Temperatures are still pleasant on Sunday. In the coastal areas it will be between 21 and 23 degrees. In the south it can reach 28 or possibly 29 degrees locally.

On Monday, maximum temperatures will not be reached until late in the day, possibly early in the evening. The mercury rises on the Wadden to about 27 degrees, in the center of the country it will be 33 degrees and in the south the temperature can rise locally to slightly above 35 degrees.

Temperatures will rise further on Tuesday. It can be tropical in many places around noon. Ultimately, the mercury seems to rise above 30 degrees everywhere, including on the Wadden. Locally, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, the chance of this is greatest in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen and the west of Brabant.
