The Netherlands and North Sea neighboring countries plan to produce 150 gigawatts of offshore wind energy in 2050 | news item

News item | 18-05-2022 | 8:00 pm

At the North Sea Summit in Denmark, Prime Minister Rutte and Minister Jetten, together with Germany, Belgium and Denmark, announced today that they would significantly increase the production of wind energy in the North Sea and that they would cooperate more closely. The statement they signed today also states that the countries will work together on ‘energy hubs’ at sea that connect multiple countries.

An energy hub makes it possible to collect electricity generated at sea, convert it into hydrogen, for example, and coordinate where the energy should go. The statement also focuses on close cooperation to accelerate approval processes and increase support from the EU for offshore wind energy. Denmark and the Netherlands also signed a statement about an electricity and hydrogen connection to be explored between the Danish energy island and a future Dutch energy hub at sea.

Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy: ‘The cooperation between the four North Sea neighboring countries is important for us – and Europe – to produce more green energy and become less dependent on fossil fuels. With the 150 gigawatts of wind energy, more than 200 million European households can be supplied with green electricity. The four countries are in a unique position to take advantage of what the North Sea has to offer: a lot of wind power and a shallow seabed. Connecting the energy hubs and sharing knowledge and resources will help us achieve the joint climate and energy goals and I look forward to developing this further together.’

The cabinet recently announced that the total planned capacity for offshore wind energy in the Netherlands will be doubled to approximately 21 gigawatts by 2030. Before the end of this year, the Minister for Climate and Energy will send a letter to parliament with the ambition for offshore wind energy production until 2050. .

Read more about the North Sea Summit statement between the heads of state.

Read more about the North Sea Summit statement between the energy ministers.

Read more about the statement between Denmark and the Netherlands.
