The Netherlands and Niger strengthen cooperation on migration | News item

News item | 01-02-2023 | 18:54

The Netherlands and Niger want to work together more closely to combat irregular migration in the African country, to improve border control and to combat human smuggling. There will also be more consultation on the protection of migrants and their voluntary return from Niger to countries of origin.

This was agreed by Minister Liesje Schreinemacher for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and State Secretary Eric van der Burg for Justice and Security during a joint working visit to Niger. The precise details of the migration partnership will follow later this year.

Niger is an important partner for the Netherlands in the Sahel region. Schreinemacher and Van der Burg were on Tuesday in Agadez, a hub of African migration routes to Europe. Many irregular migrants go via Niger to Libya or Algeria and then continue on to Europe.

In Agadez, the ministers visited a migrant center of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). There, migrants are received who have been deported from Algeria and do not come from Niger. They can also register for voluntary return to their country of origin. The Netherlands supports this work of the IOM in Niger. The ministers also visited the European training mission that trains mobile border units and held talks with the Sultan of Agadez and various local authorities.

Van der Burg: ‘To get a better grip on migration, good cooperation and partnerships with other countries are essential. The start of this migration partnership with Niger is an important step for both countries. In Niger to combat the inhumane human trafficking that takes place there, for the Netherlands to combat irregular migration.’

Schreinemacher: ‘To combat human trafficking and arms smuggling, we must promote stability in Niger. We do this by investing in agriculture and water, and by offering young people more perspective by helping them find work. Ultimately, the Netherlands also benefits from a stable Niger.’

Niger not only faces many transiting migrants and an increasing number of displaced persons, but also cross-border crime such as the smuggling of people, weapons and drugs. It is impossible to completely secure the thousands of kilometers of border. The Netherlands wants to work with Niger to see how this can be improved.

Schreinemacher and Van der Burg met with Niger authorities on Wednesday in the capital Niamey. For example, they spoke with the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the security situation in the country and cooperation in the field of migration and development cooperation. During a meeting with President Mohamed Bazoum, he discussed the political situation and regional cooperation in the Sahel.
