the Navy Seal technique to recover energy in 8 minutes

TikTok has relaunched the idea of ​​the 8 minute nap, the restorative nap in an unusual position invented by a Navy Seal. But does it really work?

Eugenio Spagnuolo

August 16

– Milan

They call 8 minute nap or Navy SEAL Power Nap (the nap of the Navy Seal): it is a technique to recover energy quickly with a nap of a few minutes. Copyright is of the former Navy Seal Jocko Willink, who talked about it some time ago in a podcast. But the topic has returned to current affairs in recent days, when the tiktoker Nick Vitello shared the trick with his followers, obtaining in a short time the beauty of 35 million views. But how exactly does this miraculous nap work?

The Navy Seal’s energy nap

Willink revealed that when he needs to recover some energy, lies down with legs and feet raised above the line of the heart – placing them on a sofa is also fine – and sets the alarm after eight minutes (sometimes 10 or 12). When she opens her eyes, he says, he feels “like Superman. I feel like I’ve only slept for eight hours.” Many must have believed him, given that to date the hashtag # 8minutenap has 9.4 million views on TikTok and travels towards 10 million.

What the experts say about the 8 minute nap

A short daytime nap can help us feel less fatigued and more alert. Especially sportsmen. According to Rebecca Robbins, of Harvard Medical School, many athletes seem to report better performance if they rest a few minutes before a race: “It’s amazing how even just 5 minutes of sleep can give us so much energy,” he explains. This is especially true when napping in the early afternoon, as this is a time when our body tends to feel a little more sluggish and tired due to the hormonal changes stimulated by the natural circadian rhythm. But raising the legs – according to the expert – does not necessarily affect the quality of sleep. There is no scientific proof that this is the case. “And the location may not be comfortable for everyone,” Robbins comments. On the other hand, some experts agree with Willink: those who undergo a particularly demanding physical activity, such as the Navy Seal (the special forces of the US Navy, ed), could experience a particular benefit from resting in this position: the strenuous exercise causes lactic acid to build up in the muscles, and lifting the legs may help drain it from the muscles.

Can the 8 minute nap replace sleep?

On TikTok the enthusiasm about the effectiveness of the 8 minute nap is palpable. But perhaps a little excessive: no nap of a few minutes can replace a restful night. Our brain needs the different stages of sleep to consolidate memories and replenish the molecules that allow us to focus and regulate emotions (and more) during the waking hours. A process that requires at least 7 hours of sleep.

Who should try the Navy SEAL nap (and who should avoid it)?

For most people, there is nothing wrong with trying the Navy Seal power nap. Taking a nap is a proven way to feel more refreshed and increase energy. And, if we feel tired or fatigued during the day, too a few minutes of rest are an alternative to energy drinks or coffee, which could have adverse effects such as headaches, irritability and increased heart rate. Those struggling with insomnia should avoid daytime naps, as they can worsen nighttime sleep. Those who suffer from back pain should also pay attention: sleeping with your legs raised can put stress on your back and give some circulation problems to those who remain in the 8 minute nap position longer than expected.
