The National High Court refuses to provisionally suspend the expulsion of Mohamed Said Badaoui

  • The Contentious Chamber maintains that the general interest must prevail and the complaint against him includes elements of his radicalization

Neither Parliament’s declaration of supportneither the demonstration that was held this Wednesday in Reus have made a dent in the mood of the National Court. Your Litigation Room has refused to suspend urgently the expulsion of activists Mohamed Said Badaoui and Amarouch Azbir, agreed on September 14 by the Secretary of State for Security by alleged radicalizationwhich would have led them to “participate in activities contrary to national security or that may harm Spain’s relations with other countries or be involved in activities contrary to public order”.

The National High Court understands that in the assessment of conflicting interests those of a general nature must prevail facing the personal circumstances of the appellants, which leads to not paralyzing their expulsion from Spain in a very precautionary manner, that is, without waiting for the arguments that the parties may present. It indicates that if upon resolving the merits of the appeals filed the expulsion has been carried out, “no obstacle is seen in the return to our country and, if appropriate, the repair of the damage caused”.

The order that refuses to suspend the expulsion of Mohamed Said Badaouipresident of the Association in Defense of the Muslim Community (Adedcom) of Reus (Tarragona), points out that it must be borne in mind that the measure agreed upon by the Secretary of State is based on a prior complaint from the General Information Police Station that exposes the circumstances and facts that reveal the ideological radicalism of the appellant.

That complaint highlights “the carrying out of indoctrination in your community with diffusion of pro-jihadist radical postulates, being one of the main referents in Spain of the more orthodox salafismwho preaches, with such an influence that, since his arrival there has been an increase in radicalism in the Tarragona region because of his speech”.

This Wednesday, the Board of Spokespersons of the Parliament approved a statement in which it sympathizes with Said Badaoui, considering his arrest a “case of political repression and Islamophobia by the State”.

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The police report adds that the actions of Said Badaoui has focused especially in the most vulnerable and manipulable groups“paying special attention to minors, specifically to unaccompanied minorss, mainly of Moroccan origin, indoctrinating them in the most radical salafism taking advantage of their situation of vulnerability, also having links with radical individuals related to terrorism, and carrying out practices of promotion of victimhood and Westernophobia.

For all these reasons, the court concludes that, assessing the conflicting interests, it does not doubt that those of a general nature that result from the appealed decision that it considers committed must prevail. a very serious offense and that classifies as participating in activities contrary to national security or that may harm Spain’s relations with other countries. Faced with this, adds the court, the specific personal, labor and social circumstances invoked by the appellant cannot prevail.
