the naked king

This 2022 is not being a good year for humanity, nor in the king of sports. This weekend we have seen terrifying images, scenes of animals thirsty for violence that, under the excuse of a t-shirt, have committed barbarism. What has happened in Mexico shows us that we have a sick society, which fails to educate the rest of mortals in respect.

The carnage that was unleashed in Querétaro stems from a mass inflamed by hatred that understands soccer as the outlet for all its frustrations. What type of education do we offer them so that they think that they must solve their differences with gunshots, blows with machetes or kicks?

They are not football fans but criminals who find refuge in this sport. And that is what must change, that the clubs and their fans expel them from that den, that it cannot serve as a hiding place. And they will tell me that this happened on the other side of the ocean, that here our dear hooligans are much more civilized. They just insult, right? Poor consolation for a king sport that goes naked.

a sick football

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And since that football is sick and its improvement is slow — almost as calm as our progress towards equality — let me pin all my hopes on that other one that is growing up, that is still in its adolescence and can shake off its vices For once, arriving half a century later can be an advantage. Because they had positive discrimination, as always, naturally. They took ownership of the game and thanks to all the visibility that was given to them, they can now use the hackneyed phrase: each one that receives what he generates.

Perfect, let the income stay. We don’t want that football for them, we want a better one. Meanwhile, let’s enjoy a game this Sunday that could help Barça win the league. Against Madrid, in a family atmosphere, of celebration and with a well-understood rivalry. And, by the way, this March 8th we raise our voices again, because we want what we deserve.
