The municipality of Dongen will receive 150 asylum seekers on an industrial estate

The municipality of Dongen announced on Thursday that it will set up an emergency reception location for asylum seekers on the Tichelrijt aan de Nestel industrial estate. The municipality had been searching since the beginning of this week. Raamsdonksveer has also made a building available, in a former healthcare institution where refugees from Ukraine were already being received.

Both municipalities respond to the call to relieve the overcrowded asylum center in Ter Apel in Groningen. That asylum seeker center is now overcrowded.

On Monday, the municipality of Dongen announced that it wanted to arrange emergency shelter for up to 150 asylum seekers. Only where was not yet known. The Tichelrijt industrial estate has now been selected for this purpose, where the first asylum seekers should be able to enter at the end of January. They stay there for between four and a maximum of six months.

The construction work will start in January and will last approximately three weeks. On January 10, local residents are welcome to ask questions about emergency shelter during an information meeting.

Raamsdonksveer announced last week that they will be taking in 35 asylum seekers from Ter Apel from December 27. They will do this in a former healthcare institution: Het Hoge Veer. 180 refugees from Ukraine are already being accommodated there.

The asylum seekers who arrive are accommodated in a separate wing of the building. “I am proud that we have created an emergency shelter location at such short notice,” says Mayor Marian Witte of the municipality of Geertruidenberg. “I understand that this has an impact on the environment, but we are doing our best to arrange it as best as possible for everyone.”
