The Mulliez family offers the Pimkie brand for sale

The Mulliez Family Association (AFM) is looking for a buyer for its women’s ready-to-wear chain Pimkie, which has been struggling for more than a decade. This was announced by the management and the unions on Monday and thus confirmed a report by the specialist medium Fashion Network.

“The current shareholder is looking for an external shareholder solution and is giving itself several months to conduct this search and find the best possible solution,” Pimkie’s communication told AFP on Monday.

Pimkie, which has 232 owned and 81 affiliated stores employing 1,500 people, had a turnover of almost 200 million euros in 2020. Founded in 1971, the brand appointed Philippe Favre, a restructuring expert for ailing companies, as general manager in early January.

In December, it was already announced that the Pimkie branches in Germany, Spain and Portugal would change hands. According to media reports, Pimkie is also to withdraw from Switzerland.

This edited and translated post previously appeared on
