The Mother on Netflix, plot, cast, review and Jennifer Lopez

AND out today on Netflix The Mother – action movies with Jennifer Lopez in the role of a ruthless mother against enemies and animals (wolves aside), but loving towards the daughter she has never been able to hug. Directed by Niki Caro between the magnificent sceneries of Alaska, the Mississippi and Cuba, mixes violence with the sweetness of the relationship that unites a mother to her daughter.

The Mother: the plot

The beginning is that of an FBI interrogation. Under the press is The Mother, just like that, without a name (Lopez,): young killer (pregnant) trained in the army, missions in Afghanistan and Guantanamo, with 46 dead on her conscience. The interrogation, conducted by agent William Cruise (Omari Hardwick), is interrupted by Hector Alvarez (Gael Garcia Bernal) and Adrian Lovell (Joseph Fiennes), arms dealers with whom the woman shared business, and ends up in the blood. In the confrontation, the mother saves the life of agent William Cruise, and though Adrian Lovel stabs her with a knife, manages to survive.

When the mother wakes up in the hospital the FBI convinces her to give her newborn daughter up for adoption, who they will name Zoe. The woman has to hide from enemies and she finds refuge in Alaska, where she will work as an animal hunter (she kills reindeer, deer, but not wolves). Twelve years laterreceives a message from FBI agent William Cruise. He has to go back to the United States.

Here he will be able to see (from afar) his daughter. Just as she is in front of the school the girl is kidnapped by traffickers. The mother at this point has a goal: to bring Zoe back “to her parents”. She then leaves for Cuba with William Cruz, the FBI agent whose life she saved. And after killing half a dozen men and killing Hector Alvarez, he manages to recover his daughter.

Omari Hardwick (William Cruise) and Jennifer Lopez (The Mother). (Netflix).

The clash and meeting between mother and daughter

Are you my mother?” Zoe asks this woman who is escorting her. The little girl actually knows the answer, but the woman is lying. “No,” she tells her. On the escape to Alaska, a relationship is established between Zoe and her natural mother, which passes from the only apparent coldness of the mother and intolerance mixed with fear of her daughter, to then arrive, it is easy to imagine, to a deep affection. Her killer mother reveals what she’s known all along: that the most important thing to her, even more than her life, is Zoe.

In Alaska there is a bus designed exclusively for taking dogs on a trip

“Moms in movies are often secondary characters in someone else’s service,” she commented Niki Caro, the director of the film. “But not in this case: the mother is at the center of the whole story, is in the foreground, is a tough woman and is ready to do anything to protect her daughter. I considered a story as an extension of the work I’d already done with Mulan since it has both emotion and action at its core»

Jennifer Lopez (The Mother) Lucy Paez (Zoe) on the set of the film. (Netflix).

The Mother: the actresses, from little Lucy to the beautiful JLo

Jennifer Lopez is the absolute protagonist of The Mother. «In my character, I glimpsed a woman who would never have expected to have a daughter»has explained. «She therefore finds herself having to learn to be a mother, something that we can all understand and understand: there are no manuals that teach us how to do it or how to be the best parent in the world. The only thing a mother knows is how to deeply love and protect her child: she is instinctive and universal. What changes is the way it is done: it is deeply subjective. And the Mother has her own way».

Lucy Paez (young Zoe) dealing with three little wolves. (Netflix)

Playing Zoe in The Mother she is the very good fourteen-year-old actress Lucy Paez. “Jennifer has been very protective of me,” she explained. “I could talk to her about anything and she was there to listen to me and give me advice like a godmother, a best friend, a mom. Everyone kept asking me what my reaction would be when I met her,” he recalled. I found her worries exaggerated until I finally found her in front of her: I had never been in the presence of such a goddess!”.

The Mother: the men of the cast

Joseph Fiennes plays the classic villain, who does everything to kill the mother, and doesn’t even stop at the hypothesis that the girl, little Zoe, could be her daughter. It is not clear how she could fall in love with such an evil character. Gael Garcia Bernal is Hector Alvarz another ruthless characterwhom Mother met in Guantanamo in 2007. The two wicked protagonists take advantage of each other. Hector is a scavenger and recognizes that Adrian is out of his league.

Joseph Fiennes (Adrian), Jennifer Lopez (Mother), Gael García Bernal (Hector) on the set of the film. (Netflix).

The other actors in the film are Omari Hardwick, seen in several tv series such as Lie to me, Chase, Dark Blue, Paul Raci, Oscar nominee for Best Supporting Actor for Sound of Metal, And Jesse Garcia.

“It’s his only past romance, that he had real affection for,” said Jennifer Lopez. “Gael was also fun to work with. We are both Latinos, so I related to him differently than to Joseph or Omari. “Gael is one of the greatest actors I’ve worked with,” said the director. “It was exciting for me to work with him.”

A decent, but superficial, action film

The Mother is a decent level action thriller. An action film, where there is no shortage of violence, with a predictable development of the story at times. The character of the Mother, played by Lopez, is interesting: a woman at times violent, a murderess with her own morality. Very skilled with weapons and in hand-to-hand combat, she refers to the heroine of a video game.

There is a preponderant and fascinating presence of nature. In particular, the scenes in Alaska are striking, with the snowy landscape and the animals that inhabit it. The flaws are mainly in the characters: the negative ones, in particular, are poorly outlined and the link they have with the protagonist is not very clear.

