The most useful apps to keep track of your New Year’s resolutions | Tech

Stop smoking, live a healthier life, spend less time on your phone or save more; 2023 is just around the corner and for many Dutch people that means that the good intentions will be pulled out of the closet again. Fortunately, there are a lot of apps that can help you.

For a while it often goes well to stick to your good intentions, but in the long term it becomes difficult. To kick off 2023 well, you can help yourself with the apps below.

Quit smoking: Quiddy

Out data from the Trimbos Institute shows that more than twenty percent of the Dutch population over 18 was still smoking in 2021. Over the years, the number of smokers has continued to decrease. Quiddy is a handy app that can give a quit attempt more success.

This app has been specially developed based on research into the effectiveness of smoking cessation apps. This shows that users find it more pleasant to quit if they do this together with someone who is in a similar situation.

Quiddy therefore links users to each other. You get a buddy, so to speak. For example, you can contact each other via a handy chat function if you need a distraction.

Quiddy is available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Healthier Living: Lifesum (and Water Reminder)

If you want to lose weight this year, the Lifesum app can help you. Through this app you can build a rhythm where you keep track of your daily calorie intake. The app gives you a recommendation for your daily food intake based on your goals.

Then you can easily keep track of what you eat and drink in the app. You also get daily exercise recommendations to encourage your healthy lifestyle.

In addition, the Water Remembrance app is recommended. Drinking enough water one day helps against fatigue and ensures that you get a headache less quickly. This app calculates how much you should drink in a day based on your height, weight and sleep data and sends you a notification every time you need to drink a glass of water.

Both Lifesum (iOS, Android) as Water Reminder (iOS, Android) are available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Save energy: JouleBug (and ANWB Road & Roadside Assistance)

Saving energy is currently an important theme. This way you can reduce costs, but it is also a lot better for the climate. The JouleBug app is therefore definitely recommended. This helps you create new habits, while other family members and/or friends challenge you to save better.

Via the app you can register when you do something saving. Think of choosing the bicycle instead of the car, washing at colder temperatures or taking shorter showers. The app then shows via statistics who saves the best in a week.

The ANWB Road & Roadside Assistance app can also be of great help, because the overview of current fuel prices that the app presents allows you to refuel cheaply.

Both JouleBug (iOS, Android) as ANWB Road & Roadside Assistance (iOS, Android) are available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Less screen time: Forest

Finally, there is also a handy app to reduce your screen time on your smartphone. You do this via the Forest app. This helps you by making a game out of not using your phone. When you’re not using your pocket computer, Forest is planting a digital tree. The longer you don’t use your phone, the faster the tree grows. Over time, a beautiful forest full of trees will emerge.

It’s a fun and creative way to encourage users to use their phones less. Anyone looking to detox from their digital lifestyle in 2023 is therefore advised to install the app. For example, you will scroll through Instagram or TikTok less often in the coming year. And: it’s good for your eyes, because they are exposed to blue light for less time.

Forest is available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
