The most repeated words by Ramón Tamames in his speech

Congress lived this Tuesday the sixth motion of censure of democracy, the most peculiar of all those that have been held in four decades. Above all because of the candidate who defended her, the former communist deputy Ramon Tamameswhich has accepted the proposal of the far-right of Vox to lead a previously unsuccessful motion against the Government of Pedro Sanchez. Due to his age, 89 years old, Tamames has not intervened from the speaker’s rostrum, but rather sat on the seat of the Vox leader, Santiago Abascal. Another peculiar detail.

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And to make matters worse, his speech was already known almost in its entirety because it was leaked last week to What has not been surprising is that in that 34-page speech, the most repeated word was ‘Spain‘, pronounced 76 times. The rest of the most repeated words by Tamames have been: ‘No‘ (67 times), ‘Government‘ (Four. Five), ‘all‘(36)’percent‘ (35) and ‘Sanchez‘ (30).

In the following cloud of words you can see the terms most repeated by Tamames and how many times each one was pronounced in his initial speech.
