The most common name of sex workers is…

By Konstantin Marrach

Germany in the red light. According to the Federal Statistical Office, more than 40,000 sex workers are officially registered nationwide. The number of unreported cases is probably much higher. An erotic portal has now analyzed which names prostitutes most often give themselves. The result is surprising…

The portal Erobella checked around 6,500 profiles on its website for the large analysis. One name is by far the most frequently chosen.

In first place comes a name that sounds rather innocent and can be translated from the word’s origin as “the beloved”: Maria.

According to the analysis, the second most commonly used name is Vanessa, which means “the shining one”.

In third place is Anna, whose word origin means “grace”.

Places four to six are occupied by the names Melissa, Laura and Maya. Sara, Alina, Lisa and Jessica complete the top ten of the analysis.

“The names that sex workers choose for their profiles on Erobella are not always their real names, but mostly stage names or pseudonyms,” said a spokeswoman for the portal. “But of course they choose names that have a particularly erotic effect on men and that are particularly promising.”

At the other end of the ranking are the following names: Britney, Adalaide and Chelsea. In the list of all names used, they are the least likely to be used by sex workers.

The Erobella spokeswoman says with regard to the analysis: “Our ranking also shows: A name is just a name – and the people behind it are as different as they are versatile. Beauty, charm and appeal can be found in any package, even if it is wrapped in a well-known name.”

And she emphasizes: “As we think about this connection, we should remember that names, like the people who bear them, are always full of surprises and complexities that make life all the more interesting.”
