The most beautiful home in Finland: the new situation

Sini Rainio and Tero Pennanen fall in love with the home completed in 1969.

Hanna Sumari, Tero Pennanen and Sini Rainio will judge Finland’s most beautiful home again this fall. MTV3

The judges of Finland’s most beautiful home sometimes give harsh criticism. But when there is reason to brag, nothing holds them back either.

They’re on the move today Blue Rainio and Tero Pennanen. Also Hanna Sumari will forever fall in love with the brick semi-detached house in Espoo, built in 1969. However, he is not wearing shopping pants. Sin and Tero have – albeit a bit playfully. In any case, this happens for the first time in the program.

The family loves colors and is not afraid to use them. MTV3

Arto and Charlotte Harald are not selling their home, but have just signed up for the series. The family home still makes an indelible impression on the jury.

– I’m starting to consider a purchase offer, Tero announces upstairs as he opens the door to the bathroom next to the parents’ bedroom.

It has been beautifully renovated in green while respecting the old.

The parents’ bathroom uses original furniture, which delights the judges. MTV3

Tero’s joy still comes second, when downstairs you can find the swimming pool that Sin wanted. The joy of the architect is unique and you see a whole new, very enthusiastic side of him.

– Is not true! How? This is absolutely perfect! Think now, hey, a little! Blue doesn’t hold back at all.

– I will buy this, he declares next.

The announcement is followed by a funny exchange.

– No, I’ll buy this, Tero immediately intervenes.

– Has this gone already? Blue asks playfully.

– I already said the same thing upstairs, Tero reminds with a hearty laugh.

From the outside, you don’t know what the walls hide inside. MTV3

Well, of course neither buys a home, but they give it points. Perhaps a little surprisingly, Tero doesn’t lose a full dozen after all. Still to be commended: ninth. Tero has nothing to criticize in particular, and neither does anyone else.

– This is a valuable property, Hanna praises.

The view to the backyard crowns it all. MTV3

Finland’s most beautiful home today on MTV3 at 20:00 & C More. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
