The Mossos release a kidnapped person in a hotel in Barcelona

Act at 22:47


The agents have reduced an armed man who was watching the victim and are looking for other possible kidnappers

The Mossos d’Esquadra have located a kidnapped victim in a building on Gran Via and Passeig de Gràcia in Barcelona, ​​which according to La Vanguardia would be the Acta Atrium Palace hotel in Barcelona. Thus, according to the same medium, the police already would have freed the hostagewhich they have located in one of the hotel rooms, gagged and watched by an armed man who has been reduced.

Various teams from the Mossos d’Esquadra Mobile Brigade they have ordered the evacuation of the hotel, and they are looking for two of the three kidnapperssupposedly Colombians, according to the same medium.
