The Mossos investigate why the 8-year-old girl stayed inside the burning bungalow

The Mossos d’Esquadra They continue to investigate the causes surrounding the death of the 8-year-old girl in the fire that broke out in a bungalow at the campsite Montblanc Park Capfun Of the municipality of montblanc (Conca de Barberà) in the early morning of August 23.

The agents of the Investigation Unit of the Montblanc police station took a statement yesterday Wednesday afternoon from several witnesses to the events, also to the father of the minor, who was staying in that bungalow with his two daughters: a person older than 13 years and the victim, the minor.

According to the sources consulted by EL PERIÓDICO, the father was not inside the bungalow when the fire alarm was activated, at 4.30 hours in the morning but abroad with a friend. Inside the bungalow were the two daughters asleep. The older one was able to get out when the flames began to spread but the little one stayed inside. The father, her friend and her eldest daughter moved away from the bungalow, apparently believing that the youngest daughter had also left, and later they informed the Generalitat Fire Department troops who had not found her.

For this reason, as reported in the statement from the emergency department, the firefighters helped the father to look for the minor in the surroundings but not inside the bungalowwhere they could no longer access due to existing fire load. Some campers detailed to this newspaper that the flames exceeded the 6 meters high.

An hour later, when the firefighters were able to put out the flames, they discovered that the 8-year-old girl had not left the bungalow when they found her body in the rubble.

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The Investigation Unit is also awaiting the report drawn up by the agents of the Central Unit for Ocular Inspections (UCIO), the Catalan police specialists in clarifying the causes of a fire. When they determine what caused the start of the flames in the bungalow at that time in the morning and with the two minors sleeping inside, the investigators will transfer all the information to the court, which will decide how the case should proceed. At the moment, nothing suggests that it could be an intentional fire.

There is no doubt about the accidental origin of the fire, although it is intended to find out how the events happened to try to understand the situation, what caused the confusion in the father who believed that the youngest daughter had also left the bungalow when in fact she was still inside.

As reported by the aforementioned campers with whom this newspaper spoke, several people passed by the burning bungalow as they left the compound at dawn because of the fire, also ignoring that there was a minor trapped.

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It is a campsite that belongs to a French company, like many of the tourists it hosts and the affected family, and that always complies with the mandatory regulations, according to Oriol Pallissó, mayor of Montblanc, who added yesterday Wednesday that these days It was at full capacity with the 3,000 available places occupied. Perched on a slope of the land and located on the outskirts of Montblanc, the campsite places the bungalows in the highest part.

In the reconstruction of the events, the information provided by the campsite guards who were awake at that time will be of great importance.
