The Mossos alert the victims of a sexual offender of his release

The Ministry of Justice notified the Mossos that Daniel Padial Gonzalezconvicted of two attempts to sexual assault two minor girls, he would leave the prison last Monday so that alert the victims, according to sources from the Generalitat. The victim care group is the one that should do this work.

The prison sources consulted by EL PERODICO assure that the “risk of recidivism is high” and, therefore, has not completed his rehabilitation period. The man remained in the Ponent prison (Lleida) and was released after the Lleida Court reduced his sentence, from 15 years in prison to nine and a half years, in application of the ‘only yes is yes’ law.

The prison services consider that the inmate is not rehabilitated and there is a “risk” of recidivism

Daniel Padial, who has a long history of incarcerations, he followed all the training and treatment programs in the penitentiary center and his evolution has been “positive”, but the penitentiary officials consider that he still has a high risk of recidivism. For this reason, the usual protocol for the release of prisoners considered to be at high risk was activated and has been in place since 2009.

In application of this protocol, Serveis Penitenciaris of the Generalitat contacted the Victim Assistance Group of the Mossos one day before the release from Padial prison to alert them of this situation, according to sources from the Catalan Administration. In addition, it transferred all the available information to the Lleida Prosecutor’s Office, which may request other measures.

non-invasive measures

These measures cannot be invasive, since the sexual offender has served his sentence and, therefore, can move freely. However, it can be done tracing, such as checking where you live and where you work. Of course, you cannot see his movements limited if he does not offend again, because he could denounce him.

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The release has caused a big alarm among the residents of Lleida, where this 37-year-old man has his domicile. And it is that he is considered a sexual predator. He was arrested in 2008, just when he had just been released from prison for several sex crimes that he committed when he was a minor. The year 1999, when she was not yet 18 years old, sexually assaulted six girls and entered a juvenile center. She escaped in the year 2000 and in a few days she assaulted two more girls, always minors. In total, they weigh on him some 17 sexual assaults. But now, he’s back out of prison without being rehabilitated.

The only thing that is prohibited by sentence is to approach their victims for 10 years. If he did not comply with this order, he could be arrested immediately and, even, agree to his imprisonment again for what the violation of the sentence implies. In this case, the judges did not impose probation because this measure had not entered into force when he was sentenced, in 2010.
