The Moscow metro will tighten control over the mask mode – RBC

Due to the onset of the “omicron”, passengers will now be monitored more strictly

Photo: Andrey Lyubimov / RBC

Against the backdrop of the spread of the omicron strain of coronavirus in the Moscow metro, control over the wearing of masks will be tightened. This was announced by the head of the State Institution “Organizer of Transportation” Vladislav Sultanov, reports “RIA News”.

He noted that now the situation with the incidence of “omicron” is “very tense.” “Therefore, we are strengthening control over compliance with anti-COVID measures throughout the entire transport complex of the capital. Particular attention will be paid to the situation in the subway cars, as many passengers remove their masks or lower them to their chins when passing through the control line at the turnstiles. This is necessary to maintain a safe environment in transport,” he said.

According to him, enhanced checks will also await passengers in ground transport, at the MCD and the MCC. “We urge citizens to consciously and seriously take each other’s health, wear masks correctly, completely covering the respiratory organs. It is the wearing of protective equipment and vaccination that will help contain the spread of the virus and help stabilize the epidemiological situation in the city,” he explained.

On January 12, Sultanov said that in 2021 controllers had detected more than 550,000 violations of the mask regime in Moscow transport. found in December

Almost 50 thousand violations of the mask regime were recorded in Moscow in a month

Photo: Sofia Sandurskaya / AGN



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