The mixture of residential and commercial makes it


The “Marienhöhe” project in Marienfelde is intended to combine commercial and residential areas Photo: Collignon Architecture / Private

From Hildburg Bruns

Residents protest against the planned “Marienhöhe” neighborhood. The project forms an exciting symbiosis. A comment from BZ editor Hildburg Bruns.

I am fascinated by the idea of ​​a craftsman’s high-rise in the planned Marienhöfe district of the future. Small businesses find space here, electricians, locksmiths, painters – not in space-consuming courtyards, but stacked high.

Companies that belong to the Berlin mix of residential and commercial. In many other places in the city they are being squeezed out, often even by housing construction.

With nostalgia I remember a carpenter, bee supplies and garden furniture sales that were to disappear on Spandau’s Rhenaniastraße. Where was the big question – to move to the Brandenburg area?

Exactly such companies find a future at good prices (8 euros/m²) in the new building project in Tempelhof and ensure short distances for their customers. And the neighbors? They criticize the size of the measure, with more than 700 apartments alone, and fear for their traditional parking spaces.

But to shrink the numbers – in my view it would be fatal. Berlin is already building far too little and the laying of foundation stones has gone into fatal reverse gear. The planners have been at work on the Marienhöfe for four years, many of the wishes of the citizens have been fulfilled – from the community center to the type of planting.

It would be really great if the last few doubts could be cleared up in the last few meters until the building permit.


Kiez Marienfelde housing housing shortage
