The Miss Suomi hereditary princess stepped onto Love Island – This is the kind of man she is looking for: “I like hair”

Sonja Länsivuori arrived on the island of love in the episode shown on Saturday.

Sonja Länsivuori, the second hereditary princess of the 2021 Miss Finland competition, is looking for love Love Island Finland in the program.

Länsivuori, 25, from Kuopio, currently lives in Helsinki. She works as an entrepreneur in fashion and beauty and is active on social media platforms. In addition to this, she works as a model.

Sonja Länsivuori was crowned Miss Finland as the second hereditary princess in 2021. MIKKO HUISKO

Länsivuori came to the island in the episode shown on Saturday. The island’s residents were surprised by Länsivuori’s arrival in real life, and the residents immediately started buzzing about who Länsivuori might be interested in.

What made Länsivuori’s arrival special was that he knew the island’s inhabitants Elviira and Jonas already in advance, because they all have a connection to Kuopio. In his introductory video, Länsivuori stated that he was most interested in Joonas, whom he already knew.

Together with Länsivuori, Essi Unkuri was crowned as Miss Finland and Emmi Suuronen was the first hereditary princess. Atte Kajova

A child’s darling

Länsivuori says in his introduction that he is looking for a determined man who has a “moderate skateboarder style”.

– Men get Plussa especially if they love children. I like shaving, Länsivuori opens up about his male taste in his introductory video.

Länsivuorta is most ignited by men who smell good and have good manners. Dark features and mullet hair are also to the heiress’s liking.

The introductory text also says that Länsivuori loves pickles.

Shown on Saturday Love Island – episode Länsivuori got to choose her first partner on the island of love. After much deliberation, Länsivuori chose as a partner Samu’s27.

Sonja chose Samu as her first couple. MTV

Love Island Finland program from Monday to Saturday on MTV3 channel and MTV Katsomo. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
