The Ministry of Health allowed clinical trials of “Epivaccorona-N” on people 60+

The Ministry of Health has allowed the third phase of testing of the Epivaccorona-N vaccine for people over 60 years of age.

This is an “open study of the safety, tolerability, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the peptide antigen-based Epivaccorona-N vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 with the participation of volunteers over the age of 60”, noted in the register of permits for clinical trials.

The trials will involve senior citizens who have had the infection six and 12 months ago or were vaccinated six months ago.

Doctors will study the possibility of a single (booster) application of the Epivaccorona-N vaccine after the illness.

The tests will last until December 30, 300 people will take part in them.

The Epivaccorona-N vaccine was developed by the Vector Center of Rospotrebnadzor, registered by the Ministry of Health on August 26, 2021.

The head of the Vector center, Rinat Maksyutov, said there were no important differences between “Epivaccorona-N” and the previously developed “Epivaccorona”. Vaccines differ in technological features of production, which has become the main reason for the need for new clinical trials to solve production problems.


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