The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged to investigate the death of civilians in Syria

At the same time, Zakharova stressed that Russia is ready to cooperate with other countries to counter terrorists by joint efforts. Moscow supports the efforts of other states, “including members of the US-led international coalition, in the antiterrorist direction,” the diplomat added.

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The fact that the US military eliminated the head of the ISIS, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, was announced by US President Joe Biden the day before. Agency Reuters quoting a high-ranking official in the American administration, reported that al-Quraishi was killed during the raid.

The New York Times wrote that he was in a three-story house that was badly damaged. According to the publication, received from a high-ranking military man, the head of the IG committed a self-explosion. About 20 special forces, as well as military helicopters and drones, took part in the operation to eliminate it. Zakharova specified that al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was hiding in the city of Atma in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

After the special operation, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby reported the death of at least three civilians, including the wife and children of the head of the ISIS. According to him, the United States “has compelling evidence” that they died from the actions of militants, and not American military personnel.


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