The meteorological winter starts on 1 December: this is the weather forecast for Zoetermeer

The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping: winter is coming. In fact, on Thursday, December 1, 2022, the meteorological winter will start in the northern hemisphere, including in Zoetermeer.

The past few weeks, the end of autumn, have been quite turbulent with rain showers and strong winds. Will it stay cold and wet at the beginning of winter?

Frost and fog

How the weather behaves in early December remains to be seen. Nevertheless, Jaco van Wezel, meteorologist, ventures in Weatheronline, looking into the future. “In the first weeks of December there is a high chance of high pressure areas above our country. This ensures a calm weather type with little wind and precipitation, but with frost and fog in the nights. How hot it gets during the day depends on the amount of sun.”

Winter temperatures

Jaco continues: “At the beginning of December, the average temperature is around 7 degrees during the day and the minimum temperature is around 2 degrees. stay chilly all day with temperatures below 5 degrees.”

Cold or mild winter?

But if we look beyond December, what kind of winter will we get? With a blow to the arm, it looks like we won’t get a harsh winter. The weather in January depends on the location of the high pressure areas and the direction from which the wind is blowing.

Jaco: “If the high-pressure areas are above the British Isles, we will get northwesterly winds with winter showers. If they are right above our heads, the risk of frost and fog increases at night. If the high-pressure areas are more above Scandinavia, an easterly to northeasterly wind will rise. This would then bring cold winter weather. For February, the signals are provisionally at soft, wet and windy, because the wind will probably bring in changeable weather from the soft Atlantic Ocean.”

Warm up nicely

With this weather forecast in prospect, it is good to know where in Zoetermeer you can warm up. How about a hot chocolate with whipped cream on a covered and heated terrace or get a warming winter drink at one of these addresses.

Zoetermeer Weather

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