The metaverse of fashion: how was the virtual show of the BAF

The new edition of Buenos Aires Fashion Week featured the first digital show, an opportunity to see how the world of fashion enters the metaverse. Those who attended the event through a link, were able to customize avatars with her name and access a digital catwalk to witness how a group of virtual models paraded their looks. Through commands the public could applaud, express their enthusiasm, and even move around the room. And when the avatars were able to get close to some garments, they were offered a QR code to try them on.

Digital clothing was part of the Ilusión collectiona limited capsule of virtual garments made in collaboration between Ether Studio and the stylists Antonella and Aldana Simes. “We believe in technology as an ally for new ways of thinking and creating, giving rise to a new era of creativity, imagination and experimentation without physical limitations. We are facing a moment of redefining the ways in which we perceive, create and consume fashion, opening up a whole new world of possibilities for the creative industries,” the designers said.

baf week
incognito blazer

Among the exhibited pieces stood out the Rave Tank Top, a two-layer top with a glassy and translucent base covered in melting metal: a combination between the fantasy of virtuality and the clothes that can be had in real life. He too Fabula Long Skirt, a shiny skirt whose texture is a combination between plastic and metal; or the incognito blazer, an oversized blazer, hard and shiny leather and exaggerated sizes. Many of the exhibited pieces could not be used if it were not digitally, due to the hard and heavy materials with which they are made.

bafweek top
Rave Tank Top

There were also accessories, such as Cosmic Sunglasses (wraparound glasses, which give an almost 360° look to whoever wears them) or the Space Necklacea metal necklace with colored glass melting at its ends.

Beyond the virtual event, those interested will be able to attend the Alcorta Shopping from March 7 to 10, where they will have the opportunity to interact directly with the garments thanks to the use of the application of Dressxa metafashion marketplace, and they will be able to try on the collection through their phones.

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