“The men of the left are a pain in the ass”

The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labour, Yolanda Diaz, He has affirmed that the Spanish left is “settled” in a “brutal melancholy”, where he seeks more “to be right than to change people’s lives” and has defended turning to “useful” politics, “with much less noise and more hope “.

In addition, he rejects being linked to other male leftist leaders. “It turns out that now that I take a step forward I carry a preposition with me. It is ‘from’ Pablo Iglesias, it is ‘from’ Pedro Sánchez, it is ‘from’ Íñigo Errejón. They do not tell me: it is from Ada Colau, from Mónica García, from Irene Montero I don’t understand. Do you think it’s casual? & rdquor ;, he questioned.

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On the other hand, he has pointed out that the men of the left “are a rock.” “They have me up to here. They believe that they are not sexist because they are on the left. There is nothing worse in the world,” he explained. In addition, he has pointed out: “Men in our country should reflect on and take the social changes that are taking place in Spain and in the world very seriously. It would be convenient if they were the first to understand micromachismo and what they do to us in our lives. It would also be good if they were the first to report situations of discrimination”.

Finally, Díaz has indicated that imagination in politics is needed “more than ever” and has proclaimed that the pandemic has shown that neoliberalism “has failed” on the intellectual level, and that now the challenge is to defeat it on the political level.
