The men hung on to the helicopter – Records were smashed in a jaw-dropping performance

Armenian athletes got their names in the record book.

A helicopter landing gear may look like a chin-up bar to a fitness enthusiast. EPA/AOP

Two records requiring courage and strong hands were set in Yerevan, Armenia.

First Hamazasp Hloyan hung onto a helicopter in the air and did 32 chin-ups within a minute. Hloya held onto the landing gear with a forward grip, i.e. her knuckles were facing the puller.

The helicopter was about three meters in the air during the performance.

With a rather special trick, Hloyan gets his name in the famous Guinness book of records. according to the Armenian’s result beats last year’s record by seven.

Another new top result was also seen in the same situation. Grigor Manukyan also wanted to enter the Guinness records and pulled 36 chins within a minute with a counter grip where the knuckles are away from the puller.

Both Manukyan and Hloyan were coached by an Armenian From Roman Sahradyawho for a while was the record holder for 22 chin-ups done with a follow-up grip.

Published by Guinness on Facebook of breaking video records, and at the same time pointed out to eager entrepreneurs that the stunts were performed under the supervision of professionals.
