the memory of betrayal

At what point does a lie become a betrayal? The PP has built its electoral campaign on lies and the deepest disloyalty. Alberto Núñez Feijóo he lies with poise and serenity, even with a half smile. He lies in matters of great economic and social importance, but also in something worse. There is not only a willingness to deny the achievements of the Government of Spain, but also to undermine its ethical authority. He lies because in half the world lies have risen to power. The ruder and more unbelievable she is, the more she is believed. If only we had memory.

After engineering a famine that killed millions of people in the 1930s, Stalin claimed: “Life has become better, comrades, life has become happier.” A bloody dictatorship is no longer needed to install the lie. The misinformation bubble has changed our way of relating to it. Combat or reluctance in the face of falsehood recedes while enthusiasm for it gains ground. We want to be deceived so much the lie has become a political driving force, an engine to win elections. From Trump to Brexit, from Hungary to Poland. Also in Spain?

Feijóo’s PP lies cynically, perversely and continuously. From affirming that Sánchez has governed with ETA members to the limit of insinuating an electoral punch. It is worth asking the intention of so many lies. Rule, obviously. But for what?

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The PP was removed from power because corruption reached up to his neck, even higher. While he indulged in robbery, he ignored the needs of the population. His recipe for the Great Recession was an austerity that merciless with the weakest, impoverished the middle class and rewarded the powerful. Cuts and privatizations, that was the PP’s response to the crisis. Have we so soon forgotten the days of rampant unemployment, lowered blinds, suicides due to evictions, cheap dismissals, collapsed public services and award-winning banks? Do we no longer remember the betrayal?

To achieve power, the PP is agreeing governments with Vox (these are agreements, with vice-presidencies and ministries), also in Extremadura, where the PSOE won. Pact with those who deny gender violence or wants to repeal the abortion law, a clear betrayal of women. Also to the voters of the PP. If Feijóo comes to power, what will he be able to do to keep it? How many more betrayals will he add up? And above all, what will he do with that power? The PP does have a memory of how much there is to win.
