The memes in Chano’s return to the stage

Chano Carpentierleader of so bionic, returned to the stage after his hospitalization for his addictions. With a massive show in the Luna Park Stadiumwhere he appeared before leaving to do two shows in Cordova Y Santa FeChano moved his audience, who was happy to see his idol again, and he showed it on social networks, with humor and memes.

Moria Casan and his image were used to illustrate the enthusiasm of Chano’s fans throughout the show. “My reaction when Chano started singing ‘My mornings’wrote a tweeter, showing a photo of the diva in a burst of happiness.

Of course, not everyone was able to attend the recital of milkfish, and the absences also had their memes. “Today it’s Chano and I’m not going,” declared a tweeter, showing a typical channel plate TV Chronicle with the legend “Everything is anger and pain”.


One of the most emotional moments of Chano’s show was at midnight, since the singer had declared that he was going to try to make the show last until November 4, the date that is mentioned in his popular song. “God’s melody”: “With you it’s November 4 every half hour…”, says the letter.

Although he usually thinks of it as a love song, Chano explained in an interview that he wrote it in the middle of two duels: separation from his girlfriend and death of his father. Fans who passionately sang the song on the show, and knowing the story behind it, paid tribute to it on Twitter.

“Everyone: *photo with the bride* with you it is November 4. Chano writing that song while the father was dying and the girlfriend left him”, wrote a tweeter posting a photo of the actress Florence Bertotti crying in the skin of his character Floricenta.

“What is it that they want to dedicate the melody of God to some filthy. The ONLY one who has to dedicate such a song is to Chano. Chano I love you, thanks for creating such a work,” wrote another fan showing the photo of a fan of Boca kneeling and exclaiming “it is the greatest thing we have on this earth”.

Florence Bertotti


Regarding the date mentioned in the song, many fans used it for their memes. “Chano on November 4”, wrote a tweeter showing an image of Princessthe character of the animated series “The Powerpuff Girls”, caressing a wad of dollars. For the same reason they used the image of a man happily holding a stack of several bundles of dollars.



“People it’s November 4 today all fans of the So Bionic Athletic Club, I love you Chano”, a fan tweeted sharing a Spotify capture with the lyrics of the song. Of course, the famous Simpsons meme could not be missing where Bart sees Homer dressed in a gala dress eating pizza on his couch and asks him “Why so elegant, Homer”. His father’s response in the meme was an obvious reversal on the occasion of the date: “It’s November 4, boy.”

Spotify So Bionic

Homer Simpson

There were even those who used a retro video of the program of Mirtha Legrand, in which the luncheon diva stands up to sing the National Anthem. “It is already November 4, national date. Day of the piberio and Chano standing up to sing the verses of the Argentine National Anthem, ”the meme read.

Mirtha Retro

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