The meeting between Princess Catherine and the fan became a topic of conversation

A video of a selfie moment between Princess Catherine and a fan went viral. The video delights and raises a question.

Princess Catherine is now even more influential on social media. PDO

The encounter between the Princess of Wales Catherine and a fan was recently captured on video. The brief conversation has sparked delighted reactions on social media – and questions about the rules for royals.

A fan stopped Catherine at the event of her Early Years campaign tour and asked her to take a picture with him. The man immediately says during the handshake that he is really nervous.

Catherine responds to her fan’s recognition with tenderness.

– Don’t worry, it’s ok. We all get nervous sometimes, Catherine says, looking at the man.

After the selfie moment, the royal continues briefly.

– It was fun to meet you, take care of yourself, Catherine says happily and waves to the man.

The video has been shared hundreds of times on Twitter.

– Love this! Out of curiosity, didn’t it used to be that the royal family didn’t take selfies? When did that change? Or am I remembering wrong? Let’s think about it on Twitter.

Others have also weighed in on the royals’ selfie culture.

– This sounds really stupid, but I don’t think they were allowed to take selfies with the audience. I’m sure I saw another video where someone asked and he said he couldn’t, they write on Twitter.

Indeed, Queen Elizabeth made it clear at the time that he does not look favorably on the selfie culture. They were forbidden to members of the royal family.

However, the royals have long had official social media accounts.

In Iltalehti’s 2018 story, it was pointed out how the Swedish royals’ Instagram photos featured selfies, unlike the British court’s Instagram accounts.

The queen also commented on group photos requested by fans. He said he wanted eye contact, not staring at a phone screen.

Queen consort Camilla has also received a lot of new practices to adopt Charles’s to become a ruler. Camilla meets a lot of citizens, but is not allowed to share selfies or autographs. Handshakes, on the other hand, are allowed.

However, for Cathrine and William, this must be an unwritten rule that they follow by applying it.

More on Instagram

Catherine is now making an even stronger impact on Instagram. The joint official Instagram account of Catherine and Prince William has already gained more than 14.5 million pairs of eyes.

This week, Catherine also opened an Instagram account The Royal Foundation Center for Early Childhood – foundation.

– Our early childhood until the age of five shapes the rest of our lives. As a society, we currently spend much more time and energy on later life, Catherine says in a social media video and continues the new campaign to raise awareness of the issue.

Princes William and Harry and their spouses met the citizens outside Windsor. People had come to remember the beloved queen.

Source: Fox News and Hello
