The mediatic fire of Cristóbal López and Fabián de Sousa

Despite the legal problems, some of the business units of Christopher Lopez they never stopped working. The main one, the one that continues to give the businessman the most power, is his news channel C5N. After spending two years in detention with his partner, Fabian de Sousareturned to manage the television signal face-to-face and rebuilt themselves based on the need of the ruling party leaders to win screen time.

Justice still gives them headaches Lopez and DeSousa.

In recent days it was determined that businessmen will have to face a debt with AFIP of 157 million pesos in taxes owed on Personal Assets in 2020. However, they cannot reproach the Government for their actions, which made it easier for them to recover Oil Fuelsthe financial base of the empire they created.

power disputes between Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchner they also generate short circuits in the news channel closest to the ruling party. In fact, some journalists and producers protest the lack of a clear editorial line on sensitive issues for the Frente de Todos. Meanwhile, businessmen juggle to retain the approval of the President and Vice President.

by RN

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