The meaning of life

★★★ There are two kinds of teenage casts: those who make horror movies and those who make romantic dramas about something tragic that they have to solve with love and solidarity. This is one of the second: a girl who loses her memory needs the help of a book of poems and a friend to return to the world. Everything you can imagine around this situation is what is in the film, whose direction is reduced to making everything look as natural and beautiful as possible at the same time. She makes it. The story is not boring, it is well run, the actors look like those boys at that age although they are photographed a bit as if they should sell us chocolates, and the story, with its pluses and minuses, slides quietly towards a more or less announced ending , although there is no lack of a sobering twist that, by the way, is also a cliché in this type of film. Well, that, you know.

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